You sense a vision wanting to come through you into the world. And youโ€™re ready to surrender to the journey.

I offer YOU my highest quality one-on-one support to dissolve & evolve, receive inner guidance and follow it, and let this inspired vision become a reality through you. It is time to let go of what is misaligned in your life to make space for the emergence of the vision calling you now.

Amazing One, you’ve been noticing all kinds of signs, messages, and visions urging you to step into a new direction with your work and life. Because this new direction involves dramatic change, there can be big resistance. But you know it is time.

The truth is, you have outgrown parts of your work, your identity, your role, your story, your box. And it is too painful to constrict and constrain your true self any longer. You do not want to continue in the same exact way for a single day more. It is time to slough off the outgrown snake skin. It is time to burn what is no longer serving. It is time to make room--lots of room--for the bigger vision that wants to emerge.

You've been scared of letting go of the known and stepping into the unknown. Worried about making a bold new choice and getting it wrong. What if-ing yourself out the whazoo about what others might think of you. And questioning your own abilities, whether you're even good enough to bring this bigger vision into reality. Even while everyone around you gushes about how talented you are. 

Deep down though you know you're ready. Your spiritual practices are deepening your commitment to move beyond fear, let your heart lead the way, and follow that inner guidance that's been urging you forward. You are ready to be the powerful spirit you are rather than letting old programming keep you small. And you know any further delay wastes your precious life.

It's time to dissolve everything that is not aligned with your heart + soul. You know that the world does not benefit from you holding back your light and limiting your soul's expression – as the vision that wants to come through you will make such a positive difference in our world.

It’s time to surrender and trust like never before.

You are ready to let go โ€ฆ into transformation, liberation, and creation.

It's time to let the old chapter die so you can allow the new one to birth through you.

My name is Jessica Chilton and I am not scared of your dark places or the power of your light. I’m an Expressive Arts Therapist and Conscious Coach for talented humans like you who are ready to dissolve & evolve their life and work in a spirit-led way.

As a surrendered visionary myself, I’m constantly dissolving and evolving as it’s the way my soul grows. As I am devoted to awakening, evolving, and transforming in the natural flow of life, I often find myself letting one chapter die to birth the next. This has resulted in my long-time passion of supporting others to do the same.

I offer you my loving presence and lived experience in service to your transformation. I will accompany you through the process of letting go of what is ready to 'die' within yourself, your life, your work--making potent space for you to receive and create anew. I'll powerfully support you to move beyond what holds you back from being your truest self so you can step into the purposeful life that most satisfies your soul. Every step of the way, the journey will be higher-powered--guided by your heart and soul.

You are ready to evolve in the name of Love.

How are you willing to evolve as you surrender?

  • Move from love rather than fear with each thought, choice, and action.
  • No longer let old wounds, limiting stories, and societal conditioning hold you back from expressing your spirit.
  • Dissolve man-made money stories and receive abundant support for manifesting the vision coming through you.
  • Liberate your true self to be fully expressed as the Visionary you are.
  • Transform powerlessness and fully embody True Power.
  • Let go of attachments to particular outcomes and trust the unfolding.
  • Shift from external validation to inner guidance.
  • Evolve from not enoughness to self-love and innate worthiness. 
  • Trust yourself like never before, so you can confidently follow your heart wherever it calls you to go.
  • Fully embody your Divine nature.

It's time to let Love lead through you.

How are you willing to lead as you surrender to Love?

  • Lead by example, loving yourself as fully as you want others to love themselves, knowing the ripple effect within the one whole.
  • No matter what comes, honor your sacred Yes to your greater calling.
  • Feel on purpose as Love comes into the world in the unique expression of you.
  • Know the stand you are taking to be in full alignment with spirit and commit to this leadership mission with all of your heart.
  • Act as the Creator of your life, letting your Spirit powerfully guide your vision into reality.
  • Take aligned actions each day that progress you forward in making your unique contribution.
  • Learn to trust your inner guidance like never before, so that you can make your wisest decisions each day and overcome any obstacle on your path.
  • Receive the support you want to expand your capacity to be a surrendered visionary.

Let's give you the support you need to bring this vision into reality.

I'm here to support you.

Let's give you everything you need to surrender, manifest vision into reality, and usher in your most soul-satisfying chapter yet. Only then can the world benefit from your greatest contribution.

When you work with me, you will gain from my 15 years as an Expressive Arts Therapist, blended with 10 years of conscious coaching experience, infused with the art of surrender cultivated through my awakening journey. You will benefit from my expansive capacity to love as well as my skilled ability to support others through major transformations in their lives. You will also likely appreciate my humanness--particularly my journey through dissolution and re-emergence that continues to free my true self from layers of conditioning. This unique constellation of training and experience, allows me to accompany you through the essential inner work & spiritual practice needed along with practical aligned actions required to shape your next soul-satisfying chapter. 

I am grateful to have supported thousands of people on the precipice of "What’s Next" in their life as they ask: Who am I now? What is Spirit calling me to do next? What vision wants to come through me? And what greater contribution am I meant to make?

These were the same questions that I explored after the death of my sister, after my chronic illness healing journey, after letting go of a misaligned business venture, after becoming a mother, and again after the pandemic time of accelerated dissolution & awakening.

I am passionate about supporting others in the transformational cocoons of life’s big transitions. Yes, it does involve letting the old dissolve so that you can become the new. It does involve facing your fears and moving beyond them. It does mean learning to love yourself through this challenging time of change. It does mean that some people won't like what you say or do. And it will involve shining the light into all the dark places...But I will be there with you, offering loving acceptance and supporting you to surrender, receive & follow your clear inner guidance. I walk my talk. I do this work alongside of you, two souls walking this path of awakening together.

Just like I moved through my own fears to perform at TEDx, surrendered to the unknown to improvise on stage with singer-songwriter David Wilcox, said a courageous yes when called to present at Princeton University, and let the inspired vision of "The Shift from Fear to Love" come through me into mainstage reality, you can move through fear to manifest the vision that is ready to come into the world through you.

The world needs the vision you are bringing.

Lorrie's 'Love Liberate Lead' Story

"I decided to invest in Jessica’s private coaching program 2 years ago, because I knew I was ready to experience deep transformation and create the life that my soul truly desires.

At that time, my life was entirely different. I was feeling constricted and dissatisfied in so many ways—in myself, in my marriage, in my life. I was not feeling ALIVE. I did not feel free to be myself. I was stuck in old patterns of perfectionism & people-pleasing—conforming to what everyone else wanted me to be. My creative expression and purposeful potential felt blocked and untapped. And I was not happy.

Each month of the program, Jessica guided me in choosing a transformational theme that would inspire my next level of growth. She supported me in doing the inner work around that theme and offered accountability and feedback as I completed an artistic monthly project that was a creative expression of my soul. Some of the most amazing creations would come out of me because she held me accountable. My Angel Warrior painting, pictured here, is one of the most meaningful to me.

As a result, my life became the most amazing creative project of all. Jessica helped me stay on my path so I could express my soul in all ways-- not just in my monthly creative projects, but also in the ultimate creation of my soul-satisfying life.

While working with Jessica over the course of two years (when the first year’s program ended I immediately signed up to continue), so much has changed.

I have navigated a divorce in an empowering way. I have reached a level of forgiveness and expanded love for my ex-husband that has resulted in a harmonious and beautiful modern family. I am now able to let men into my life and enjoy their gifts without losing myself.

I have let go of fears, judgments, expectations, attachments and limitations.

I have stepped into my creative power, painting the most transformational paintings of my life. And I am deepening my sense of purpose and positive impact through the way I am contributing in my community.

I have bought a new property and transformed it into a retreat center and monastery, while I am also supporting other artists and causes that inspire me through conscious investment.

I have stepped into my divine femininity in ways that are so juicy and delicious, deepening my connection to God and opening me to infinite possibilities and love.

I truly feel like a much more liberated woman today than I was two years ago. Working with Jessica was an integral part in all these experiences and expansions. I'm in gratitude for her presence, her insight, her intuition, and her creativity that served me in the perfect ways along the journey.

Here I stand in the retreat center I have created. My own transformational art is in the background hanging on the wall. I stand in this sacred space in direct connection with God. 

Lorrie ~

Transformational Artist
Retreat Center Steward
Conscious Investor

I'd love to share my SPARK with you.

As we work together...

You will receive my highest level of customized support through this Surrendered Visionary year-long private coaching program.

This program is for you if…

♦ You desire a customized year of private coaching where I support you to surrender to Spirit and bring your vision into reality. I will support your heart and soul to lead the way, offering aligned guidance, personalized meditations, daily practices, monthly projects and accountability to ensure inspired new action and deep personal transformation.

♦ You want to let go and experience transformation, liberation, and creation in the next year of your life, with the companionship of a loving wise soul at your side.

♦ You are ready to invest time, energy, and money in your personal evolution and inspired vision and receive the highest quality support you deserve.

♦ You are ready to trust yourself like never before--accessing inner guidance you can trust 100% and taking aligned action in the direction it is guiding you to go.

This program is not for you if..

You are not willing to close the old chapter so you can start a new chapter, not ready to let go in order to receive, and not open to taking courageous spirit-led action.

♦ You are not interested in a creative spiritual approach to transformation and leadership.

♦ You are not ready to follow through with the potent daily practices and inspired monthly projects between our private coaching sessions that will most powerfully support you to bring vision into reality.

Apply for Surrendered Visionary by scheduling your Visioning Session here. This serves as a 2-way interview process to see if our collaboration feels like a Yes to both of us.

It is time to surrender and trust like never before.

Program Details

Your 'Surrendered Visionary' Private Program supports you for the next pivotal year of your life.

Your Program Includes…

♦ Customized private online home base designed just for you--with all personalized audio messages and meditations, coaching feedback, accountability journaling, session replay recordings, daily practices, and monthly projects organized to support you each step of the way.

♦ Weekly support from Jessica for an entire year--in various forms including one-on-one conscious coaching sessions, written feedback, and personalized recorded messages & customized audio meditations.

♦ Receive a new Spirit-led transformational theme with the help of Jessica and your inner guidance each month, around which we design your daily practices and monthly project.

♦ 18 private coaching sessions with Jessica to support you on the path of the Surrendered Visionary this year.

You will also receive these Bonus Gifts on the day you enroll...

♦ An "Activation Session" with Jessica to begin your Surrendered Visionary experience with potent clarity and deep commitment to letting Spirit move through you.

♦Access to The Shine Expansive 1-Month Online Guided Journey if during the year you desire a transformative intensive to connect deeply with inner guidance, deepen self-love, and clarify your purposeful contribution in the world.

♦Access to Love Liberate Launch Curriculum if during the year a creative spiritual approach to launching a business would serve you well.

♦Complimentary registration to one of our Live Events this year—a True Nature Reunion, a Sister Slumber and Awaken, or a Surrendered Visionary Retreat—so you can connect in person with a conscious group that leads with love.

Financial Investment for this Year-long Pivotal Journey...

12 monthly payments of $1250 or receive one month free when you pay one year in-full $13,750 by June 1, 2023.

Apply for The Surrendered Visionary and schedule your complimentary Visioning Session here.

Know that our journey together supports the Vision that the world needs to become reality through you.