Rediscover who you truly are and what you're meant to do for the world.

Your next soul-satisfying chapter of purposeful work begins with The SHINE Expansive.

30 minutes a day for 30 days. Online, from the comfort of your home.

Think back to a time when you felt free to be who you really are...

Remember a moment of Joy when you were a child playing however you liked to play. When you felt completely free to do and say whatever came naturally.

When you didn’t even know that barriers existed – such as others’ expectations – that could constrict you. When your heart felt full and bold. When you woke up every morning excited for a new day. When anything and everything was possible. When your inner light beamed through every pore of your body.

When you were free.

When you were brave.

When you were truly yourself.

But somewhere along the way, life challenges, harsh judgments, and emotional wounds caused you to hide who you really are.

Fear stopped you from following your heart. Shame tells you its not okay to be ALL of who you are. Your True Self has been buried under layers of people-pleasing, perfecting, achieving, and protecting. So it's no surprise that you feel a bit lost and confused about who you are and what you're really meant to contribute to this world.  

However, your true self and unique gifts are still inside of you. And the world needs you to bring them out again. This is why we invite you to join a group of inspiring individuals who are remembering who they are as they clarify their next chapter of meaningful contribution. Join us in discovering how to bravely shine again as we awaken to our most purposeful work.

The SHINE Expansive liberates your truest self & most valuable gifts.

Find out what can happen when you no longer hold yourself back from your next level of potential and purpose.

What could I experience through The SHINE Expansive?

You will be supported to...

  • Heal the ways you suppress your shine and hold back your gifts, so you can offer your best to others.
  • Liberate your true self to be expressed, so you can finally be who you were born to be.
  • Clarify the purposeful work that you are uniquely designed to do, so you can make your greatest contribution in the world.
  • Learn to trust yourself like never before, so you can confidently follow your heart wherever it calls you to go.
  • Tap into your full power, so you can effectively and authentically lead your life and work.

Is The SHINE Expansive group coaching experience for me?

Whether you feel ‘shiny’ or ‘un-shiny’ right now, you will feel at home in The SHINE Expansive Community if you...

  • Are open to healing & transformation, creativity & expressive arts, and spirituality & personal development.
  • Feel ready to move beyond your current limitations and welcome in your next level of liberated potential.
  • Are willing to dedicate at least 30 minutes each day for 30 days to make the most of this powerful accelerated growth experience. 

How will this virtual experience unfold?

During this program, you will…

  • Be guided by Jessica Chilton, Expressive Arts Therapist, through a daily 30 minute transformational experience via engaging audio-visuals accessed through our online Homebase. 
  • Experience Jessica’s signature SPARK Process of freeing yourself and your gifts, that is the culmination of her life work and has been a tried and true GPS for participants over the past eight years.
  • Receive a Bonus Video each day created by one of 24 Featured Guests who bring you extra inspiration around each day's transformational theme.
  • Practice letting your true self be seen and heard in a safe and loving community with other courageous SHINE participants through our Private Online Forum.

Who will be in this community experience with me?

While on your personal journey, you will be surrounded and inspired by…

  • Jessica Chilton, whose loving, direct, and intuitive approach helps you access healing, clarity, and truth that has alluded you for years.
  • 24 Featured Guests who are on the journey of letting their true self and purposeful work make a meaningful difference in the world. 
  • Fellow brave souls, emerging leaders, rising entrepreneurs, and talented individuals from across the world, with whom you will find kindred connection through shared fears, dreams, and desires during this month-long experience.. 
  • The larger SHINE Expansive community, including all past participants, which you will always be part of after completing your 30-day journey. 

Will I have any opportunities for personalized coaching with Jessica Chilton?

Yes, this is the most exciting part!

  • Jessica wants to fully show up on this journey with you, support you when you need it, celebrate you as you progress, and encourage your engagement every step of the way.
  • You will have access to three weekly Group Coaching Calls with Jessica. During each 75-minute experience, you can ask questions, share challenges, receive coaching, and learn from witnessing others in the spotlight. Replays will be shared with the whole group so all can benefit from the experience. (Call times TBA.)
  • Anytime you desire, you can receive support and share your experience with Jessica and other participants through our Private Online Forum. 

Jessica Chilton personally invites you to join The SHINE Expansive.

For these 30 days, I show up fully for you.

When I guide this journey, I bring my 13 years as an Expressive Arts Therapist along with my 8 years of business training and entrepreneurial experience. Most importantly though, I bring my humanness--particularly my journey of letting my true self come out of hiding as I discovered my purposeful work. Yes, I too have experienced my share of shame, fear, and powerlessness along the way to where I am now. This unique constellation of training and experience, allows me to compassionately and skillfully guide you through the essential inner work needed and practical actions required to clarify your next chapter of purposeful work.

I have inspired thousands of people to become crystal clear in their answers to the big questions we face after significant life transitions: “Who Am I now? What is my purpose? And how do I want to offer my gifts in a meaningful way?” These were the same questions that I explored after the death of my sister, after my chronic illness healing journey, and again after becoming a mother.

I am passionate about helping others turn life’s big transitions into transformational launch pads for their purposeful work. Yes, it does involve coming out of hiding. It does involve facing your fears and moving beyond them. It does mean learning to love every part of yourself and your life that burns with shame. It does involve taking imperfect action and learning from mistakes. It does mean that some people won't like what you say or do. And it will involve shining the light into all the dark places.

But I will be there with you, each day of this journey. I walk my talk. I do this work alongside of you, growing into my next level of purpose and potential as you grow into yours.

I recently moved through my own fears to present at Princeton University, perform at TEDx, collaborate on stage with singer-songwriter David Wilcox, appear on the cover of Mogul Muse Magazine, and improvise on TV in my favorite tutu. I am always following my heart beyond fear, to express my true self and do my purposeful work. 

And I'm ready to lead you beyond fear so you can rediscover who you truly are and what you're meant to do for the world.

Your new chapter begins here.

The world needs you to shine.

Jessica has led this online group coaching program many times with countless rave reviews from past participants.

"Jessica helped me to move through my blocks to step fully into my dream of being a horse trainer".

~Amy Gaddis, Harmony Horsemanship

When I was working as a speech therapist I knew it wasn't what I wanted to do or who I wanted to be. I dreamed of spending my days working alongside horses, but I had all kinds of fear stopping me from officially putting my shingle out as a horse trainer. I was stuck in a pattern of questioning myself and my abilities.

Jessica helped me to move through my own resistance & limiting beliefs, so that I could actually make my dream real. I gained the confidence to feel like I am worthy of putting myself out there as a horse trainer. It felt so good to actually name my business and start making videos alongside my horse, Charlie. I feel inspired, excited and passionate about working with horses daily, knowing that I have something wonderful to offer others.

"Jessica helped me to shift from being stuck in fear to trusting myself to lead my business."

~ Lori Wilkins, Herbalist & Consultant, Sky Wolf Wellness

With Jessica’s support I no longer feel paralyzed by fear, which held me back in big ways as I attempted to build my business. I have moved through fear of failure, fear of success, and fear of not being good enough.I have shifted from fearing to trusting

Jessica helped me to stop hiding and start sharing my true self by writing my personal story, expressing myself in blog posts, and sharing my gifts via video.

Jessica helped me accept every part of myself, deepen my knowing of my truest self, and understand what my unique gifts are that I wish to offer the world. I feel more comfortable in my skin, I've tapped into my power, and I can trust myself to lead the way with love and clarity.

"It has been a big breakthrough to move beyond my fear of being seen and be able to make my true self more visible through my business."

~ Gretchen Howard, Public Relations Consultant 

With Jessica’s support I have grown my business by listening to what my heart is calling me to do, connecting with who I truly am, valuing my natural gifts and attracting my ideal clients. I am now a less stressed, happier version of me.

It has been a big breakthrough to move beyond my fear of being seen and be able to make my true self more visible through my business. I am now making authentic videos about my business, showing up "in person" rather than hiding in my home office, sharing my most satisfying successes rather than keeping them quiet, and saying yes to public speaking opportunities.

Now I am naturally attracting clients I love. My favorite CSA Farming Client is so fun to work with because I get to mix my passion for gardening with my expertise in Public Relations. I have tapped into how I can best bring my true self forward to meet my client’s needs. This lets me offer them unique value that no one else can duplicate. It is so satisfying to see their successes and know that my contributions are making a difference.

Jessica's leadership, creativity, compassion, commitment and spiritual wisdom are like no other.

"Now my business is taking off in huge ways, I have fulfilled my dream of giving a TED Talk, and my rooted confidence and inner guidance has revolutionized my way of life."

~ Robin Funsten, Conflict Resolution Consultant, Community Conflict Solutions

As soon as I truly believed that my gifts were valuable to the world they started giving back to me! Now my business is taking off in huge ways, I have fulfilled my goal of giving a TEDx Talk, and I am attracting new clients who are in line with my values.

As my business grows, I am so grateful for the self-compassion and trust I have developed with Jessica’s support. In the past I felt ashamed when appearing imperfect, harbored feelings of being inadequate in my field, and had fears of not being good enough to support others. Now, patience with myself has grown exponentially and my genuine confidence is strong and healthy. Being in connection with my own inner guidance has been an incredible transformation for my personal life and my business.

Watch this video to hear participants share...

about Jessicaā€™s leadership and the value of their SHINE Expansive experience.

Receive the support you need to free your true self and discover your next chapter of purposeful work.

The SHINE Expansive is currently being offered as a Private Coaching Program enriched by community connection.

If you are ready to invest in one-on-one customized coaching support...

Sign up for a complimentary call to discuss your private coaching options where Jessica personally guides you each step of the way as you engage in the SHINE Expansive journey. 

Connect with Jessica.