Your Reinvention - The Freedom of the Soulful Entrepreneur
Sep 05, 2018
Today's Spark inspires you to dare to re-invent in alignment with your truth. Entrepreneurship, when approached soulfully, grants you this freedom. Give yourself permission to build a new business that sets you free to be who you really are. And experience the joy of full integrity, creativity, happiness and satisfaction in your work. This is exactly what my amazing client, Gretchen Howard, has done in the last 6-months. May her story inspire your courage to step in the direction you're guided to grow.
As tomorrow is the last day of Early Bird Registration (where enrollment in Love Liberate Launch comes with a ticket to our 2-day Soulful Business Group Retreat and a bonus Private Business Creation Coaching Session with me), I have added a few Visioning Session openings into tomorrow's schedule so we can talk everything through. Take this moment to grab a spot if you're interested in investing in a fully supported, growth-inducing, expansive, exciting year of creating the business you were born to lead.
Gretchen's Love Liberate Launch Story

"I am halfway through Jessica's 'Love Liberate Launch' yearlong business coaching program, where I receive weekly support through private one-on-one sessions with Jessica and group coaching within a wonderful intimate group of soulful entrepreneurs. Six months in, I have created a completely re-branded business (that is a new and improved version of the PR business I've had for 15 years). I have a new logo, brand new website, and clear purpose that feeds my soul, honors my story, and inspires my business. I have newfound confidence and energy as my business feels fully aligned and expresses the 'true me.' When my first ideal client enrolled in my new $6,000 package, it was the most satisfying feeling--I get to serve the people I'm designed to support and make money doing what I love! And I still have 6 more months in the Love Liberate Launch program to grow from here!
All of this has happened in baby steps over the course of six months with Jessica's guidance every step of the way. For those who want the play-by-play, here are some highlights of my Love Liberate Launch journey so far.
To my surprise, one of the first things Jessica coached me on during our private coaching calls was restructuring my workday to nourish me. Now, before I tackle all of my to-dos, I exercise. And every Friday, I go hiking. How's that for work? The cool thing is that these outings are called biz-runs, biz-yoga, or biz-hikes. I use the time for inspiration around my work and always come home and jot down new biz insights. Throughout my workday I feel focused, peaceful, and inspired. No more jumping around and reactively "putting out fires." Distractions are minimized. I've let go of things that don't support my greatest work, and I have added in things that nourish my soul.
As I began to rebrand and rename my business, Jessica helped me identify the deeper purpose that fuels my work at Iron Skillet Media. We discovered how my biggest challenges--like my journey with breast cancer and family tragedy--have prepared me to step into my greater calling. I now have a purpose statement expressing why I do what I do. Anytime I wonder which direction to take, I refer back to this purpose statement and let it guide my way forward. I have also connected my business with non-profit causes that align with my purpose and I am offering pro-bono work and financial contributions to them in meaningful ways.

Next, Jessica helped me identify who I'm meant to serve and why. Before, I have to admit, I just took whatever work came my way. Now I clearly and confidently understand that my unique interests and gifts are designed to serve particular people--my marketing is meant to attract my ideal clients and repel the rest. It feels so good to give my "all" to those who will benefit the most from my gifts.
With all this foundational clarity, Jessica then helped me shape my most valuable offerings--upleveling how I package my services and creating pricing that truly reflects the value I offer my clients. I can now easefully talk to potential clients about what I charge without playing small, discounting, or undervaluing my services in anyway. With the help of the Love Liberate Launch resources, I have set up my complete enrollment process and service delivery system. Ultimately, all this leaves me feeling clear and confident in how I offer my services.
A huge part of the Love Liberate Launch journey has been learning to rely on my inner wisdom and spirit. My decisions, direction, and inspiration are more inwardly guided than ever before. This makes each day feel so exciting as I learn to trust myself more. Building a business in alignment with my inner guidance leads to integrity, creativity, happiness and deep satisfaction in my work. I know my inner knowledge has been within me all along, but Jessica's guidance showed me how to connect, listen, and follow it.
Jessica is so gifted at what she does. I look forward to each private coaching session as something amazing always happens that I could never have predicted! Her individual support is unparalleled. And the private coaching combined with the group coaching sessions and connection has made for a fully supported, growth-inducing, expansive, exciting year for me! I'm so grateful."
***I am so grateful to YOU, Gretchen Howard, for sharing your story to inspire others to Love Liberate and Launch the business they were born to lead. Right now we are welcoming new participants for fall enrollment. Sign up for a free Visioning Session at to talk through how this program could support you and the biz vision you're wanting to bring into reality in the coming year. We still have a few more free tickets to our 2-Day Soulful Business Retreat in Hot Springs that we're giving away, first come first serve, to those who enroll in this year-long entrepreneurial adventure.***

If you are curious about what Love Liberate Launch could do for you, sign up for a free Visioning Session so we can talk it through how this program could support the biz vision you're wanting to bring into reality in the coming year.
Caution: If you haven't picked up on this already. This is not a traditional coaching program. You will be personally transformed in the process. This one-of-a-kind soulful business coaching program infuses spiritual development, inner transformation, and creative expression into practical & effective business building every step of the way.
With Weekly Support Anything Is Possible: Love Liberate Launch offers weekly focused support for a whole year to create the business you were born to lead. You can even choose to receive customized Private Coaching Sessions alongside a supportive group coaching experience. And Early Bird registration, with a free 2-day bonus retreat, is happening until 5pm Friday Sept 7th.
With fresh inspiration from Gretchen's story, I ask you:
* What inspired business vision could you create in reality if you received weekly focused support for one year?
* How could you transform to become the leader you were born to be if you received weekly focused support for one year?
* How might the world benefit from your unique contribution if you received weekly focused support for one year?