Your Ego Cannot Satisfy Your Soul...or Create The Business You Were Born To Lead

Jul 31, 2018
Today's SPARK supports your path of creating the business you were born to lead, by making sure your ego isn't driving alone.
Marian Hobson of Soul Searching TV recently interviewed me about shifting from an ego-driven business to a higher powered business. 

Interview on SoulSearching TV
Interview on SoulSearching TV
In this interview, through personal stories and practices, I share how to...

* Recognize if you're building your business in an ego-driven way that will never satisfy your soul. 

* Connect with your inner guidance rather than relying only on external expert advice, so you create the business that you (not someone else) were born to lead. 

* Know when it's time to let go of something your ego created to make space for what your spirit is calling you to do now.
* Identify the core limiting patterns you have lived, and how they are clues to your most purposeful work.  

* Transform the polarity swing between powerless victim and ego-powered achiever so that you can embody your True Power.
* Let your highest self guide you through each workday as you create your higher-powered business.
* Build deep self-trust with every inner-guided action you take.

Do you know what excites me? This does!

Love Liberate Launch opens its doors for Fall Enrollment TODAY--and I'm happily offering some super-valuable bonus gifts to the first leapers! 
 Early Bird Registration runs until August 16th at 5pm.  During this time  I'll be gifting a 2-day Group Retreat as well as a Private Soulful Business Coaching Session to those who land in the program first. 

If you are a rising entrepreneur ready to move beyond your fears to grow the business you were born to lead, I invite you to sign up for a complimentary Visioning Session with me.  Let's call in clarity about your highest vision for your business creation and talk through how the Love Liberate Launch program can support you in making it a reality.
Ready to feel spiritually secure as you follow inner guidance to create your inspired life & work?
If you'd like my support, sign up for a Connection Call to discover if we'd both LOVE being on the journey together.