In The Next 5 Minutes. Move Beyond The Fear That Is Stopping You.
Jul 25, 2018
Today's SPARK leads you through my most powerful 5 minute guided experience to move beyond the fear that is stopping you right now.
Natasha Zena, from Lionness Magazine, interviewed me about how to move beyond fear as a soulful entrepreneur. She asked me to share my most effective process for helping my clients master the ability to move beyond under 5 minutes. It's very experiential. You will come face-to-face with the fear that is stopping you right now --the one that is preventing you from living into your greater calling and growing the business you're born to lead. At the end, you'll be ready to take the one action needed to land you on the other side of this 'fear gateway' in an expanded arena of possibility for your life and business.
So, before your press play, grab a stack of post-it notes (or scrap paper and tape) and be near a doorway. Feel free to pause the audio periodically to take your time with the experience--the 5 minute challenge inspired me to talk fast!

Love Liberate Launch is opening it's doors for Fall Enrollment--with some super-valuable bonus gifts! On August 1st the doors open for our Early Bird Registration and I'll be gifting a 2-day Group Retreat as well as a Private Soulful Business Coaching Session to those who land in the program first. If you are a rising entrepreneur who is ready to move beyond your fears to grow the business you were born to lead, I invite you to sign up for a complimentary Visioning Session with me. Let's call in clarity about your highest vision for your business creation and talk through how the Love Liberate Launch program can support you in making it a reality.
P.S. It only takes 5 minutes to engage in this experience. Would you rather stay stalled out in front of this fear for another day, month, or year?