How to Invoke Courage to Move Beyond Fear

Oct 05, 2016

Today, I invoke your Courage to move beyond the fear that is stopping you from doing your most purposeful work in the world.

Newfound Clarity can often invoke Fear. Fear senses that now that we're clear, we're going to be making some big changes and stepping into unchartered territory. It is Fear's job to try to stop us from making big changes in attempts to keep us safe and protected in our current comfort zone.

What Fear comes up for you when you think about taking your next step into doing the work you're meant to do?

Whenever Fear arises, it is important to know how to summon the Courage to move beyond Fear. (Unless of course you want to stay stuck in front of this fear of failure or fear of judgment or fear of vulnerability or fear of shining or fear of whatever else your Clarity invokes.)

So this week, I've been leading a group through the next step: summoning the COURAGE to move beyond fear to make that clear vision a reality. This involves a process of connecting with their wise Inner Guide who tells them exactly what liberating action can be the very next step that will move them beyond that fear and toward their purposeful work. It is thrilling to witness each person as they then take that action and find themselves on the other side of fear, no longer stuck and paralyzed by it...a courageous step closer to living their purpose and making a meaningful difference with their gifts.

Today, let's discover where your Courage could take you as you answer 4 illuminating questions. Let your responses be stream-of-conscious, flowing you into the possibility of what purposeful satisfying work lies on the other side of your fear.

Simply ask yourself:

If I am no longer scared to fail, what dream business or work endeavor would I courageously launch?

If I am no longer scared to shine, how would I let myself courageously show up?

If I am no longer scared to be vulnerable & authentic, what message would my heart want to courageously share with the world?

If I am no longer scared of others judging me, how would I courageously offer my gifts?

Your answers to these questions give you clues on All that awaits you when you summon the Courage to move beyond Fear.


Ready to feel spiritually secure as you follow inner guidance to create your inspired life & work?
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