Gifting You a 'Higher Powered Biz Retreat' for Rising Entrepreneurs
Aug 20, 2018
Today's SPARK is here to inspire you to Love Liberate and Launch by gifting you a higher-powered business retreat to kick off the next chapter of your entrepreneurial adventure ...
Before I go into the details, let me just meet you where I am and say that my Mama Heart is loving every mama moment right now. Next week, my 5-year old Mister O begins kindergarten. I'm almost ready to embrace that next chapter, but these sweet last pre-BigBoy days are calling for my full attention. Yesterday I had a special Mama-Son play day. As we walked hand-in-hand, O said, "I love Mama days". "I do too!" I said. "Do you think when you're 10 you'll still say I love Mama days?" " Of course!" he said. "And when you're 15?" " Yes! Of course!" " And when you're 20?" " Of course I will. Why wouldn't I?" So sweet he is. And so obvious it is that I'm grasping for this sweetness to stay. I know I need to love and let go. Let O grow however he is meant to grow. Step into the unknown and embrace whatever comes, trusting myself to show up to each moment along the way. And so here I am, breathing it all in, and letting it flow out. I simply wanted to share this Mama moment to connect with you from where I am.
Gifting You a 2-Day Higher Powered Business Retreat...
*If you want to know more, make sure you reserve one of my last (complimentary) Visioning Session to clarify if this program is for you.*
Right now we are welcoming new members into our one-of-a-kind Love Liberate Launch soulful business coaching program that infuses spiritual development, inner transformation, and creative expression into practical & effective business building every step of the way. If you want 2019 to be the year you are fully leading the business you were born to lead, I hope you will begin your year-long journey with us on October 1st and let us support you in bringing your vision into reality.
Imagine that one year from now, YOU...
❈ Have created a soul-satisfying sustainable business that gives you the freedom to be who you really are and make your unique contribution.
❈ Crafted your workday to nourish your mind, body and spirit so that you can give your best to those you're meant to serve.
❈ Gained crystal clarity on what your gifts are and how to offer them in money-generating impactful ways that your ideal clients value most.
❈ Created authentic branding, heart-centered marketing, and value-packed offerings that magnetically attract your ideal clients.
❈ Transformed your relationship with Money so that your empowered partnership generates the income you desire.
❈ Did all of this from a place of deep connection with your Inner Guidance and Higher Power ensuring each step of business creation is aligned with the direction you're called to go.
To inspire your leap of trust into Love Liberate Launch--and create trusting bonds within our supportive group--I'm gifting you a free ticket to our Fall Retreat in Hot Springs, North Carolina on Oct 15-Oct 16. All you have to do is register for Love Liberate Launch (at the group or private coaching level) as an Early Bird before Sept 7, 2018.
At this retreat, while walking mountain trails and sitting creekside around a fire, we'll engage in experiential biz creation inspired by these "10 Guiding Lights for Creating the Business You Were Born to Lead".
1. A high-powered business is fueled by ego; your Higher-Powered business is fueled by Love.
2. Don't just create ANY business. Let your Higher Power nourish you, guide you, and flow through you as you create the business you were born to lead.
3. Shift from overdrive, pushing, proving, and over-working...into a super focused intentional flow of aligned action.
4. Give yourself permission to be creative, spirit-led, playful, nourished, joyful, supported and easeful in your approach to building your thriving business, even when this is not the norm around you.
5. Do the deep work to get CLEAR about who you really are, what you're meant to do, and who you're uniquely designed to serve, before you build your business. Your Clarity is your true unshakable foundation that won't crumble, crack, or dissolve suddenly beneath you.
6. Scan your whole life for the clues of whom you're uniquely designed to serve. Your past transformations, challenges overcome, wounds healed, shining moments, peak experiences, and enriching education & trainings, come together in a powerful synthesis that attracts your specific ideal client.
7. Let your Spirit radiate from the heart of your business to create the natural magnetism that draws your community in.
8. Turn practical business-building, marketing, and money-making strategies into higher-powered tools-- asking your Inner Guidance to use them in ways aligned with your deeper purpose and greater calling.
9. When you create your offers, make sure they are not only "Lovely"; rather, create your unique offers to specifically serve your ideal client's top challenge and desire that they are already searching to invest money and time into.
10. Shift from fear to love whenever possible--in any and all moments in your workday and life. In case you're wondering whether you would feel at home in our group...
Whether you've been sitting on a business dream, or you are a soulful business owner struggling to get your vision off the ground, or you are a rising entrepreneur who is ready to reinvent & will be warmly welcomed. At this moment our group already has an acupuncturist specializing in healing sexual trauma, a somatic therapist focused on resolving neck and shoulder pain, a relationship coach who helps you rediscover your voice and cultivate authentic relationships, an expressive arts therapist passionate about empowering school-age girls in India, a public relations expert serving eco-businesses related to the seed to harvest food cycle, a visual artist-educator bridging cultural divides with creativity, a yoga therapist guiding clients from chronic pain back to joy, a business development consultant using a spiritual approach to support your next level, a leader of single-mama family adventures, an aromatherapist specializing in healing birth trauma and postpartum challenges, a movement coach for women to embody their worthiness, and... YOU?!
If you're meant to be with us, I encourage you to take a leap into this very supportive circle.