Financial Success and Soulful Entrepreneurship Walk Hand-In-Hand

Apr 20, 2018
Today's SPARK shines the light on your relationship with Money and illuminates a path for financial success as a soulful entrepreneur.
This week I was interviewed on "Amplified" - a podcast for female entrepreneurs. The interview was about spiritual entrepreneurship, work that satisfies your soul, and moving beyond fear. At the end of the interview she asked: Have you witnessed a correlation between a spiritual approach to entrepreneurship and success? I noticed in my split second pause, that I hesitated to go boldly into a conversation about the concrete financial success that my clients and I have personally experienced. Instead I gave a more philosophical response around a soulful definition of success. 

As I reflected on my hesitance, I realized that this direct relationship between spiritual entrepreneurship and financial success needs to be spelled out clearly. Otherwise, the assumption is that they cannot go hand in hand. This then leads to spirited people giving up on their dreams before they even start, or pushing away money on some level by viewing it as anti-spiritual. 
Inspired by this, I stepped into new terrain yesterday -- talking about spiritual entrepreneurship and money-making in the 'come one come all' audience of facebook live. 

In this "Truth Talk" I give a bolder answer to the question I was asked in the "Amplified" Interview.   Can you be spirit-led and financially successful? Yes you can.  Can you be surrendered to God ~ or your higher power ~ and make the money you desire? Yes you can.

Watch this video to see what I shared about concrete financial results for spirit-led entrepreneurs. Then engage fully with the guided experience I lead you through to see exactly where your relationship with Money needs the most loving attention in order to create financial success. Consider this Couple's Counseling for You and Money to become healthy intimate partners in your higher powered business.
Soulful Entrepreneurship and Money - FB Live
Soulful Entrepreneurship and Money - FB Live
This video feels like a natural Part 2 to my first Truth Talk on "3 Essential Shifts to Creating a Higher Powered Business." After watching this Part 1 talk, one woman said, "I was so inspired by everything you said. But I don't feel I can use the same spiritual approach because I have to pay the bills." I hope this Part 2 feeds the truth that making great money and being higher powered can walk hand in hand on the same path. 

More "Truth Talks"
After watching the video, I'd love to hear from you. What did you gain from it? What would you like me to focus on in my next Truth Talk?


In the next 10 days, as I welcome new participants into " Love Liberate Launch" soulful business coaching program (Spring Registration Deadline is May 1st), I will be focused on serving rising entrepreneurs through these Truth Talks. Facebook Live offers a perfect arena for me to practice speaking my truth within a come one come all atmosphere. 
If you don't want to miss these Truth Talks, 'like' my Jessica Chilton - SPARK FB page  and, under the 'following' tab, check that you'd like to see posts in your newsfeed and receive notifications when I post.

Now let's shine the Spotlight on Molly Levin Rouse and her Soulful Business.

Today, I invited Molly to share her story. She experienced  tremendous business creation and inner transformation over the past 12 months in the Love Liberate Launch program. And it feels like such an honor to have witnessed it all. May her story inspire your own journey. 

"Before I began Love Liberate Launch, I was working for somebody else and unsure if I could do all of the little things that running my own business would require. I wasn't totally clear on what my exact gifts, deeper purpose, or specific offerings could be if I did start my own business. And I had a confusing and awkward relationship with money.
One year later, after Love Liberate Launch, I am leading my own business, Nurtured Mamas, with purpose, confidence, clarity, excitement, and abundance. I am making money doing what I love and I'm even having fun! I am so grateful to be offering support, inspiration, guidance and nourishment to new mamas who want to start motherhood with intention, peace, and joy. 

When I think about the journey of this past year, I realize that I truly have learned to love, liberate, and launch. I have grown to fully love myself-from my wisest inner guidance to all the parts of me that were getting in my way before! I have liberated my true desires to make money while changing the culture of motherhood in a meaningful way, and freed myself from the fear and shame that were holding these desires back. Ultimately, I launched my own business that celebrates who I am and what I uniquely bring to the Mamas I serve.

Creating a new business and knowing where to start can feel completely overwhelming, but Love Liberate Launch guided me and broke it down into bite-size pieces. I learned to take the best of what I uniquely have to offer and create packages and services for new mothers. You can check out what I offer at

The program kept me moving forward with the concrete business building steps, while supporting me in the inner work I needed to become the leader of Nurtured Mamas. Because of this program, I now ENJOY running my own business (I even hired an Assistant!), I have healed into a loving relationship with money, and I value every part of my life for the way it prepared me to uniquely serve my ideal clients.

It was amazing to have our group forum to ask my questions, move through challenges, and share my progress. Jessica is so present, able to play and goof around, AND be serious and loving. She can be vulnerable, ask hard questions, and give just the right amount of direction. She has a beautiful way of moving us out of confusion and into clarity.
Jessica's coaching helped me take each big leap in creating and launching my new business. Especially in times of resistance, Jessica's coaching helped me find my way to the other side and back into true alignment with my wisest self. Most importantly, I am so grateful that Jessica inspired me to dream bigger."
Molly Rouse, Nurtured Mamas.

If Molly's story and today's Truth Talk awakens your courageous entrepreneurial dreams, let's talk through how Love Liberate Launch could serve you.  I invite you to sign up for a complimentary  Visioning Session to discuss where you are now, where you want to be a year from now, and how this program could support you from here to there.  

Could this 12-month soulful business coaching program--blending business building with spiritual growth, personal transformation, and creative expression--be exactly the right kind of unique support for you? Let's find out! 
Ready to feel spiritually secure as you follow inner guidance to create your inspired life & work?
If you'd like my support, sign up for a Connection Call to discover if we'd both LOVE being on the journey together.