Mediation Series to Awaken through a Pandemic

Apr 19, 2020

Today I offer you a new free meditation series to support you in experiencing this pandemic as a time of compassion, awakening, and deep trust.

I created this meditation series by synthesizing the insights and realizations of my awakening journey thus far. I have crystalized the most powerful moments from several years with mentors, spiritual teachers, nature, peak experiences, and soulfriends, into these guided meditations to support all of us to become ever more Conscious through this potent time. These meditations are my best medicine to stay spiritually centered, physically vibrant, mentally clear, open-hearted, and fully present to the opportunity of this pandemic time. It brings me deep delight to share them now with you.

It was such a fun and creative challenge to synthesize and organize all that I wanted to share into a powerful new C.O.V.I.D. acronym. I love that now, whenever I see the word COVID-19, it has this new meaning and serves to re-align me! Without further ado...

Let's support you to awaken through this pandemic, amplifying your...

Dive into the C.O.V.I.D.19 Meditation Series here.

This Meditation Series will support you in 5 key areas
to align and awaken through this pandemic experience. 

Breathe with compassion amidst it all. Breathing in loss, pain, suffering and breathing out joy, awakening, and love. Breathing in death and grief and breathing out rebirth, regeneration, restoration, and new possibility. Breathing in a growing global pandemic and breathing out a growing global community. 

Open to the higher perspective that this is a rite of passage into what we're meant to become next--an opportunity for planetary healing, personal and collective awakening, remembering who you are, shifting from fear to love. Let's open our minds and hearts for the highest perspective & power to flow through.

Raise your Vibration-- feeling the energy of consciousness, love, peace, and joy expand throughout and beyond your body. Sync up your immune & nervous system to this high vibration energy field, rather than merging with the low vibration fear energy of this pandemic.

Access your Inner Guidance—so your highest Self can lead your human self every step of the way through this pandemic. This is your chance to present any question or challenge and receive clarity from within.

Deepen Trust in the unknown of these uncertain times. Surrender control, realize we’re not in charge, admit that we never know how many days we have to live and relax into trusting it all.

I hope to be meditating with you as we shine the light that we are during this catalytic time. 

Sending Big Love with this SPARK.

Ready to feel spiritually secure as you follow inner guidance to create your inspired life & work?
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