Are you TRULY being of service?

Jun 19, 2019

What does it really mean to "truly be of service" to your clients or anyone you aim to serve with your presence, gifts, and offerings? What might be ready to shift within you and how you work so that you can be of highest service?

I have been in deep exploration of this as I prepare for tomorrow's keynote presentation at Western Women's Business Conference where I want to truly be of service to the 250 women entrepreneurs in the room. And I've been upleveling my intention to be truly of service to the soulful entrepreneurs gathering for the Love Liberate Launch year-long journey of creating the business you were born to lead.  

Let's Discover Your Truth about Being of Service
Today I'm inspired to offer you the same process I guided myself through so you can land in your truest approach to being of service in the world. I encourage you to take out your journal and engage with these 6 easeful steps.

Step 1. Shine the light on the underbelly or SHADOWSIDE of "Being of Service." Complete the statement: Being of service is NOT...

Step 2. Take a look at when you are NOT being truly of service. Journal about WHAT STOPS YOU from truly being of service.

Step 3. Tune into your INNER GUIDANCE--the truest voice you can access within yourself. Let it write through you, stream-of-conscious style, in response to the question: What is a true act of service? 

Step 4. Continue tuning into your inner guidance, distill your revamped definition of being of service into a 'TRUTH MANIFESTO' in response to the question: What is it to truly be of service?

My example of giving myself permission to show up and truly be of service:

In order to show up and truly serve, I have to give myself lots of permission to be who I really am. 

~I give myself permission to be different than the mainstream, to deviate from the norm, to go against the grain of my family and our larger society.
~I give myself permission to be a spiritual leader, to be as spiritually expressive as I desire, and to love my mom in her discomfort with my public sharing of my spirituality. 
~I give myself permission to share whatever I want to share from my personal relationship with God. 
~I give myself permission to be transparent, authentic, honest, and visible in my marketing. 
~I give myself permission to trust my inner guidance for my life and my business. 
~I give myself permission to share whatever Love wants to say through me. 
~I give myself permission to believe what I believe spiritually. 
~I give myself permission to create a thriving financially successful business while approaching entrepreneurship as a spiritual journey. 
~I give myself permission to boldly share what lights me up day to day.

What permission could you give yourself right now in order to show up and be truly of service?

Step 6. Experience your full permission to be truly of service to those you are meant to serve. What true act of service could you experience today?


I'd love for you to share any ripple effects from this process with me, by commenting below and letting me know...

Did something shift for you in your approach to Being of Service?
Did you give yourself new permission to show up and serve?
Did you decide on an act of service you will experience today? 

And since I want to truly be of service, in a spirited way, to soulful entrepreneurs as they create the business they were born to lead, I want to ask...

Do you resonate with approaching entrepreneurship as a spiritual journey-- infusing personal transformation, creative expression and spiritual awakening into each step of the business creation process?

If so, now's your moment to check out Love Liberate Launch as this soulful business coaching program begins July 1st. Sign up for one of the few remaining spots for your complimentary Visioning Session to discover if we are meant to work together to bring your inspired business vision into reality.

This year-long transformational, creative, spiritual business journey is for those determined to create a business aligned with their purpose & led by their heart. Love Liberate Launch participants build the business that sets them free, create their highest value offerings, attract the people they're designed to serve, and make money doing what they love...all while remembering, liberating, and expressing who they really are. 

 If your greater calling involves creating the business you were born to lead, make sure we connect in this next week. I'd love to truly be of service to you in the coming year.

Ready to feel spiritually secure as you follow inner guidance to create your inspired life & work?
If you'd like my support, sign up for a Connection Call to discover if we'd both LOVE being on the journey together.